Westringia ‘Deeppurple’
Westringia dampieri – Shore Westringia
We planted this dense hardy shrub, 1.5m high x 1m wide, with silvery leaves and white to mauve flowers, in March 2023. This plant is frost and drought resistant and native to SA and WA.
Westringia ‘Deeppurple’ (Photo below left)
We have planted 45 of this form of W. ‘Wild River’, height 50cm, width 50cm, with lush green leaves and deep purple flowers, from 2012-19. Plant breeder is Ian Shimmen. This compact, long-flowering plant is one of the most reliable in our garden.
Westringia eremicola blue (Photo above right)
We have planted three of these erect open shrubs, 1.5m high x 1m wide, with linear leaves. and mauve flowers in 2016-17. We have transplanted several of these shrubs and they have grown well afterwards.
Westringia glabra (Photos above)
We planted one of these shrubs, height 1-2.5m x 1-2.5m wide, with many soft mauve flowers, in December 2019. This adaptable plant can be pruned easily and will accept many different conditions.
Westringia longifolia ‘Snow Flurry’
We have planted ten of these pen shrubs, 1.5m high x 1.5 m wide, with linear leaves and white flowers, from 2004-2013. We have had to remove one shrub for growing so vigorously that it became too large for its position.
Westringia ‘Poorinda Pavane’ (Photos above)
We planted this bushy shrub, 2.5m high x 1.5-2m wide, with narrow leaves and pale violet flowers in July 2014 This plant is suitable for most soils and conditions, but must not dry out in summer.