We have had many visitors to our garden, both individuals and groups. We especially welcome groups of gardeners
ANPS - Australian Native Plants Society
APS - Australian Plants Society
16 April Garden group 20 people
5 October Garden Club and Horticultural Society Canberra 15 people
14 January Orchid Society of Canberra, Committee, 20 people
11-12 November Open Gardens Australia, 300 people
14 January, Orchid Society of Canberra, Committee, 20 people
9 April Orchid Society of Canberra, Coffee Club, 20 people
15 June, Garden Design Study Group, ANPS Canberra, 15 people
11-12 November Open Gardens Australia, 300 people
17-18 March Open Gardens Australia, 300 people
12 January Orchid Society of Canberra Committee, 20 people
6 May Inner Wheel Belconnen, 40 people
17 May ANPS Canberra, New Members, 30 people
30 August Open Gardens Australia launch, 400 people
15 October Third Canberra Garden Club, , 20 people
28 October Garden Group, 15 people
9 November American Tour, 15 people
23 November Garden Design Study Group, ANPS Canberra,, 20 people
29-30 November Open Gardens Australia
10 January Orchid Society of Canberra, Committee, 20 people
16 January, Orchid Society of Canberra, Committee, 20 people
4 May Nimmitabel Garden Club, 12 people
5 October First Canberra Garden Club, 25 people
15 January Orchid Society of Canberra, Committee, 20 people
15 February Second Canberra Garden Club, 20 people
3 May WIC Garden Circle, 15 people
12 May Third Canberra Garden Club and Braidwood Garden Club, 30 people
17 September Launch Open Gardens Australia SE NSW and ACT, 100 people
18 September Open Gardens Australia – John Carter plants for sale, over 1,000 visitors
18 October Hills District Iris group of New Zealanders – cake with fern – 20 people
31 October Cooma-Monaro Ladies Probus Club – 40 people
17 February Weston Creek Garden Club, 25 people
17 September Garden Design Study Group and ANPS Canberra, 20 people
30 September ABC TV, Orchids
26-27 October Open Gardens Australia, 300 people
30 October Nowra APS group, 12 people
9 April Orange Garden Club, 20 people
29 October Yass TAFE, George Dashwood, wife and two students
1-2 November AB Bishop(Melbourne) and Autumn(Sydney) to photograph and interview for Angus Stewart’s new book
8 November Inner Wheel Belconnen members for afternoon tea, 2-4pm, 55 people
14 November Acacia Study Group, Bill and Sue Aitchison (Melbourne)
16 February Garden Design Study Group, Diana and Brian Snape
3 March Garden History Society ACT, 40 people
27 May Par and Helene Ahiberger, Swedish Ambassador
26 September Ross Tours, afternoon tea, 20 people
16-20 November, ANPSA (Australian Native Plants Society, Australia wide) Conference, 200 people, Mon-Thurs pm, including 36 degree day, and Friday am
28 November Horticultural Society of Canberra, 20 people
16 February ANPS Canberra Daytime Activities Group, 20 people
19 April Third Canberra Garden Club, 20 people
20 September, Second Canberra Garden Club, 30 people
24 September Ross Tours , 15 people
28 September Mt. Eliza Garden Club, 15 people
4 October Angus Stewart, Gardening Australia,
15 October Garden History Society, 120 people
24-25 October Gardening Australia filming, Costa and Simon
9 November Belconnen Garden Club 30 people
10 November Braidwood Garden Club 12 people
8-13 May Garden Design Study Group, Terra Australis garden, Lawrie Smith
15 June Cool Country Natives, 10 people
3-4 July Angus Stewart, Gardening Australia, Terra Australia Garden,
29 August National Arboretum, horticulturalists,
3 September NSW National Trust, 100 people,
5 September Janine McNamara (Guides, BGANZ)
6 October Gardens of Stone author
18 October BGANZ ( Botanical Gardens of Australia and New Zealand) 57 delegates
3 November Nowra Garden group, 12 people
20 December STEP, (Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park) volunteers, 20 people
14 February NSW National Trust, house and garden, 5 people
15 February Australian National Botanic Garden group, 14 people,
6 May NSW National Trust, 380 people
9 May Ambassador’s wives, 14 people
16 May Ambassador’s wives, 14 people
29 September, Ross Tours, 15 people
12-13 October Di Clarke, SE APS, Our garden and TA 12 people
24 October Commonwealth Club 40 people
18 February ANPS Canberra DAGs, 20 people
7 March Kristine Gow and friend, Southern Highlands APS
8 March Canberra International Festival of Music 110 people,
4 and 8 November Genevieve Jacobs, Renaissance Tours, 20 and 10 people
6 March APS Southern Highlands, 20 people
10 March Canberra Institute of Technology, Horticulture students, 20 people
27 April APS Goulburn, Annette Cave, 40 people
16 November ANPS Canberra DAGs, 25 people
8 December, ANU Game Change Fund Donor Event
30 March ANU Sustainable Farming book launch 60 people
20 April Third Canberra Garden Club 30 people
14 June, Crew, Cool Country Natives, 15 people
30 June Tegan (Cool Country Natives) and two crew for cuttings
30 September Owen Bolitho and four horticulturalists from the Arboretum
7 October Friends ANBG
8 October Friends ANBG
14 October Horticultural Society of Canberra
15 August Cool Country Natives Nursery staff (10)
17 September Second Canberra Garden Club (58)
12 October Friends ANBG (20)
20 October Friends ANBG (20)
7 November DAGs and Southern Highlands APS
Press List for Garden
The Age Friday June 26, 2015 Andrea Bishop Bringing the outside indoors Special Report Melbourne Designs, p. 2.
Sunday Canberra Times August 31, 2014 Words, Vanessa Lam. Photos: Jarmila Toderas. Garden Gets Stamp of Approval, p. 4.
Canberra Times Relax August 24, 2014 Words, Susan Parsons. Photos: Jarmila Toderas. Nature on Display, pp. 12-13. Also in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Ulladulla Beacon, etc. as ‘Walcott Garden receives the stamp of approval’.
Garden Drum December 15, 2013 Catherine Stewart, Walcott Garden
See Canberra Spring 2011 Garden Bliss, p. 6
The Chronicle Tuesday September 13 2011 Native Garden on Display to the Public, p.16
The Weekend Australian Weekend Aplus, September 17-18, 2011 Walcott Garden p.7
CityNews September 8-14, 2011 Garden Design That’s Just for the Birds Words; Kathryn Vukovljak, photos Silas Brown. pp. 32-33.
CityNews November 19-25, 2009. Photo by Silas Brown, p. 6.
Canberra Times Times2, p. 7, September 4, 2008 Gardens in all their Glory. Story and photos by Lyn Mills.
CityNews November 20-26, 2008 Natives Bloom in Red Hill Meadow, Megan Haggan visits an incredible garden in Red Hill, photos by Silas Brown. p. 25
Canberra Times Relax Sunday November 23, 2008. Great Aussie Landscape, Julia Whyte, photos Karleen Williams, pp. 6-7.
Canberra’s Amazing Homes Friday November 7, 2008. Full of Charm in Large Oasis Ewa Kretowicz. pp. 8-9
Canberra Times Relax Sunday March 30, 2008, pp.6-7. An Oasis Emerges, Ewa Kretowicz, Photos Graham Tidy.
Capital Issue 24, September-October 2006. It’s for the Birds. Words Susan Parsons, photos Elizabeth Hawkes. pp. 88-93.
Canberra Times, Canberra’s Amazing Gardens, Friday December 9, 2005.
The last of our Pinus radiata falls over destroying a part of the garden. It makes an opportunity to replant